New Release of LEOWorks 4 - version 4.3.1

01 February 2020


A new version (4.3.1) of the ESA Earth Observation (EO) educational software, LEOWorks 4, has been released and is available in the Download section.

LEOWorks 4.3.1 - Change log:

[Functionality issues] GIS - Fixed the error when creating a new layer on certain data products.

[Functionality issues] GIS - Fixed issues related to displaying of new saved layer in the GIS manager window.

[Functionality issues] Suppervised classification - Edit vectors optimisation.

The LEOWorks change logs and new versions evolutions are available in the Bugtrack application here.

New Release of LEOWorks 4 - version 4.3.0

28 January 2019


A new version (4.3.0) of the ESA Earth Observation (EO) educational software, LEOWorks 4, has been released and is available in the Download section.

LEOWorks 4.3.0 - Change log:

[Functionality issues] In shapefile subset there is no "I don't know" as option for Projection coordinates.

[New Community Requests] Multisensor data fusion (between coregistered images from different sensors).

[Functionality issues] Optimization of graphical scale size in map composer.

[New Community Requests] GIS - Create a set of symbols to be selected for point layers.

[New Community Requests] GIS - Create graduated and\or proportional symbols for point, line and polygon layers.

[New Community Requests] Zoom functionality in map composer (including scale zooming).

[New Community Requests] Display of geo coordinates changeable depending on the window size (map composer).

The LEOWorks change logs and new versions evolutions are available in the Bugtrack application here.

New Release of LEOWorks 4 - version 4.2.1

21 December 2017


A new version (4.2.1) of the ESA Earth Observation (EO) educational software, LEOWorks 4, has been released and is available in the Download section.

LEOWorks 4.2.1 - Change log:

[New Community Requests] LEOWorks 4 sould be able to read Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data.

[New Community Requests] LEOWorks 4 sould be able to create a subset for Sentinel 2 data.

[New Community Requests] Create Leoworks project file able to save image files and GIS-layers.

[New Community Requests] Default file format in “Save Image As”to be (geo)tiff.

[New Community Requests] Display the 3D histogram of an image.

[New Community Requests] Orthorectification based on a user-provided or SRTM DEM.

[New Community Requests] Geometric correction of radar images.

[Functionality issues] Text rotation in map composer.

[Functionality issues] Interactive Stretching optimization for Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data.

The LEOWorks change logs and new versions evolutions are available in the Bugtrack application here.

New Release of LEOWorks 4 - version 4.1 build 2398

01 February 2017


A new version (4.1.2398) of the ESA Earth Observation (EO) educational software, LEOWorks 4, has been released and is available in the Download section.

LEOWorks 4.1 build 2398 - Change log:

[New Community Requests] We need to add new tool for exporting legend for NDVI.

[Functionality issues] Performing Band Arithmetic operations on Pansharpening results displays corrupted images.

[General] Info message from the radar module about data type should be moved in contextual window. 

[Functionality issues] Subset from shapefile on Landsat 8 images has a white preview.

[New Community Requests] “Check for new version on LEOWorks start” shall be default unchecked.

[Bugs] In 'Subset from view" when editing (with paste and input) DEG the new numbers would not be accepted.

[Bugs] Error on Subset by polygon, when LW4 close itself.

[Functionality issues] Add a message with “Processing” in "Subset from shapefile" window.

[New Community Requests] Subset an image using polygons.

[Installation] Create separate installers for 32/64-Bit OS.

[Functionality issues] Default interactive enhancement for 16-Bit data.

[Bugs] There is a problem with reading larger GIS shp files. They are displayed distorted in the preview window.  

The LEOWorks change logs and new versions evolutions are available in the Bugtrack application here.

New Release of LEOWorks 4 - version 4.0 build 2339

20 March 2015


New version (4.0.2339) of the ESA Earth Observation (EO) educational software, LEOWorks 4, has been released on the Eduspace website:

The new version is also available on this website in the Download section.


Release of LEOWorks 4 - beta version

February 2013


The BETA version (4.0.2019) of the ESA Earth Observation (EO) educational software, LEOWorks 4, has been released on the Eduspace website:

The BETA version is also available on this website in the Download section.